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Thursday, July 19, 2012


I keep thinking how much I could benefit from winning about $7k-10k next time I go to the casino. Of course the odds of it happening are slim to none, but I'm still hoping.  If that were to actually happen,  I would be able to catch up on my house. Plus, I would be having fun gambling. :)

I am proud that I work hard for my money but I would be OK if I won it instead. And its not for the purpose of financial gain. Its for survival. Shelter is important.

Wish me luck.

~Nancy Drew

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

He left us.

Last night before I went to work,  "little brother" wrote a note that he was leaving and slipped out of the house. It was weird that he left while B and I were upstairs, but to each his own. 

B saw him at Walmart this morning. He said he couldn't find a ride. B told him where to stand to find someone to take him home. Poor guy. It was hot today and he said he had been standing there all night.

I hope he makes it home safely!

~Nancy Drew

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Gambling with the "gays"

I went to the casino a few times this weekend. I made a bunch of money but ended up spending it all. It was a great weekend anyhow.

Cynthia went with us and she introduced me to one of her friends who just happened to be there. She told him my name and he said, "I'm Dick." So I responded, "Are you trying to run me off?" I love lesbian humor.  The man didn't understand why I said it so Cynthia had to explain, which made me laugh even.harder.

On our way back from the casino, we (meaning Cynthia) picked up a hitchhiker in Joplin.  Luckily, he didn't kill us and he ended up being pretty cool. So we decided to keep our little hitchhiker.  He was on his way to Chicago and we told him that we adopted him and he needs to stay in Springfield. He is going to stay a few weeks and see if he likes it. He is a nice kid and I hope he either likes it here or makes it safely back to Chicago.  I've been calling him my little brother.

~Nancy Drew